A service focused on technological innovation, energy efficiency and the comfort of private or public facilities.
ATM is a service provider with Iberian coverage in the facilities segment, offering a Full Service concept in maintenance, where it develops the project and performs the supply and installation of equipment, as well as subsequent maintenance, technical audits and efficiency solutions energy in service buildings and commercial or sports complexes.
| Management, coordination, and overall maintenance of office, commercial, or sports buildings;
| Installation and maintenance of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) and energy systems.
| Engineering design and construction or modification projects of infrastructure, equipment, and facilities;
| Rehabilitation or retrofitting of infrastructure, equipment, and facilities;
| Installation and maintenance of HVAC and energy systems;
| Reconfiguration and technological upgrading of facilities.
| Operation and Management of Technical Facilities and Technical Support for Events.
| Field Level Maintenance em data centers MSCs e salas técnicas ao nível de energia normal, emergência e socorrida AC/DC, AVAC, deteção e extinção de incêndios, alarmística e operação de rede.
| Automated Bio-Decontaminations (NTD - Non-Touch Decontamination); Air decontamination through cold plasma technologydescontaminações automatizadas (NTD-Non Touch Descontamination).
| Performance of technical tests by a certified laboratory;
| Legionella control and prevention.
Assistance to public or private buildings, business complexes, sports, commercial, shipyard, rail or airport transport terminals.

ATM combines its accumulated experience with the reality of each client, providing knowledge, resources and management methodologies focused on results, innovative solutions and value creation.